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Wellbeing Pups

Meet Ada

Meet Ada, our Honeywell Sports Academy well-being pup, she is a beautiful blue roan cocker spaniel. Ada adores attention and endless cuddles. She is calm and affectionate, and loves nothing more than tummy tickles and leisurely walks. Her gentle nature and loving demeanour makes her the perfect companion for anyone seeking comfort and joy.

Meet Howard

Howard, or Howie or Mr How as he is often known, is a another friendly, happy Cockerpoo. He is very playful but calm and placid in nature and great with other dogs and humans. He is full of energy, and he is literally obsessed with balls and fetching them back so is well placed down at Honeywell Sports Campus. His ultimate day would be a game of fetch and a fuss or two.

Meet Sam


Sam is a Cocker Spaniel and is based in the Digital Department.
Sam is in his element when he has lots of attention, fuss and cuddles. Sam will eat absolutely anything on offer but his favourite foods are chicken sticks and Yorkshire puddings with gravy. Sam is a great listener and is very calm and chilled when he is with his favourite humans.