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Wellbeing Interventions

Through the Health and Wellbeing Centre at Barnsley College, you are able to access 1:1 low level intervention programmes on a range of topics. These programs are created to provide personalised support for your mental health whilst studying at Barnsley College.

If you would like to access any of these interventions, please speak to a member of your tutorial team in department or visit the Health and Wellbeing Centre in Student Services, Old Mill Lane.

Mind and Mood

This is a 3 week programme that will look at the topics of stress, anxiety and panic and how these can affect us in daily life. 


This is a 3 week programme that will look at the topics of motivation, barriers and worries and focus on how you can build your resilience.

Sleep Clinic

This is a 1 week programme that will look at the topic of sleep, looking at how you can improve on your sleep hygiene and the impacts of poor sleep.


Together, you and the Wellbeing Coordinator will look at creating coping strategies and highlighting your wellbeing tools in relaxed and safe environment. Resources will be created to take home at the end of the programme.



This is a 6 week programme that will focus on wellness, self help and crisis planning. WRAP stands for “Wellness Recovery Action Plan.” 

Seasons for Growth – Grief & Bereavement

This is a 4 week programme that will follow the patterns of the seasons to work through your bereavement* (whether that be of a family member, friend or pet) and focus on the grieving process. Autumn – Accept. Winter – Process. Spring – Adjust. Summer – Connect. *PLEASE NOTE, THIS IS NOT RECOMMEND FOR A VERY RECENT LOSS (USUALLY 6 MONTHS + OF A LOSS)

Seasons for Growth – Change & Loss

This is a 4 week programme that will follow the patterns of the seasons to work through the changes you have faced in life whether that be moving house, entering the care system or parental separation. Autumn – Accept. Winter – Process. Spring – Adjust. Summer – Connect.

Together, you and the Wellbeing Coordinator will look at creating resources to take home at the end of the programme.