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Supported Interns’ employment success celebrated thanks to pioneering scheme

[L-R] Project Search supported interns Jak Durose, Skyla Chandler, Connor Chappell and Corey O’Brien at their end-of-year celebration event at Barnsley Hospital.

A cohort of our students with additional learning needs and autism have secured paid employment and valued volunteering positions after completing their Project Search Supported Internships.

The group are the first cohort of Project Search interns in Barnsley and have been gaining vital work-based learning opportunities in various roles at Barnsley Hospital since September.

“We are extremely proud to offer the Project Search Supported Internship to our students and the outcomes for our first cohort have proved how truly life-changing it is.”

Five of the students have secured paid employment and three are continuing to develop their work skills through their volunteering roles, all of which was celebrated at a recent ‘graduation’ event held for the interns.

Bob Kirton, Chief Delivery Officer and Deputy Chief Executive of Barnsley Hospital attended the celebration event and thanked the interns for their hard work and dedication to the programme.

Intern Skyla Chandler has secured a job at Wickes after completing the programme. She said: “I started my internship on the children’s ward working with the Play Leaders to create fun and engaging activities.

“I have really enjoyed my time on Project Search, it has been interesting with the rotations I have done. The skills I have picked up by working with the public has helped me secure a job at Wickes.”

Nicola Thomson-Dewey, Head of our Learning for Living and Work department, added: “I am so proud of our wonderful interns for their achievements.

“Securing paid employment is the best possible outcome for students on our Supported Internships and all our students are now already there or are well on their way to achieving this.

“We are extremely proud to offer the Project Search Supported Internship to our students and the outcomes for our first cohort have proved how truly life-changing it is.”

Last updated: 25th July 2023

Originally posted on: 25th July 2023

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