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Students’ Union Executive Committee

Students' Union Committee members

The College’s Students’ Union Committee will plan events, activities and awareness campaigns, while supporting student-led change within College and the community. Meet the team below!

Joseph McHale


dark haired student wearing navy long sleeve shirt with red student lanyard

Billy Cowley

Vice President and FE Student Governor

brown haired student with long sleeved blue shirt and red student lanyard

Coen Shoreman

Activities and Welfare Officer

brown haired student wearing black student union hoodie with red student lanyard

Robin Harris

Sustainability Officer

brown haired student wearing black polo shirt with red student lanyard

Tom Ashforth

Disabilities Officer

brown haired students with glasses wearing s white shirt with blue over shirt and rainbow student lanyard.

Charlotte Wallis

Education and Apprenticeships Officer

brown haired student wearing navy polo shirt with red student lanyard

Isobelle Fenton

LGBTQIA+ Officer

student with tied up hair, glasses wearing black jacket and red student lanyard

Lizzie Caunt

Women’s Officer

student with brown long hair wearing green shirt with black denim jacket and red student lanyard

Selma Mufundisi

Minorities Officer

student with braided black hair wearing black shirt and red student lanyard

Last updated: 19th September 2024