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Student Voice in the Community

Barnsley Youth Council and SEND Youth Forum

Barnsley Youth Council and the SEND Youth Forum are available in the Students’ Union Hub in Old Mill Lane (next to the student entrance) every Thursday 10.00am-14.00pm.

Focus Groups

Students are often asked to be apart of focus groups for the South Yorkshire Police, Spectrum (sexual health clinic) and South Yorkshire Transport. To register your interest in joining a focus group, please contact Jess Lovatt or call 01226 216 217.

Student Commission for Racial Justice

The Student Commission on Racial Justice is part of a partnership we have formed with Leaders Unlocked, a social enterprise that work across education, policing, health and justice to help organisations involve the people who matter and shape decision-making for the better. For more information on the Student Commission on Racial Justice please contact our Student Voice Advisor, Jess Lovatt.

Say “No” to Hate

At Barnsley College, we are committed to ensuring our students and staff are kept safe whilst studying and working with us. In order to make sure this safety pledge is kept up-to-date, the College is working in partnership with Barnsley Council as they launch the No Place for Hate campaign.