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Student Voice in College

The College’s Student Voice Team exists so that you have someone to listen to your concerns, interests and needs. We want you to get the very best out of your educational experience and our activities give you the opportunity to gain essential life skills.

Take a look below at all the ways in which we ensure there is always a platform for you to be heard.

Curriculum and Service Forums

Barnsley College and Barnsley Sixth Form College students can access a Curriculum Forum and a Service Forum every term. Curriculum Forums allow students to voice their opinions about their course. Service Forums allow students to voice their opinions about anything across College.

Speak to a Member of Staff

Speak to a Member of Staff is an online form for students who need to speak to someone about an issue, but aren’t quite sure who they need to speak to.

Support Surgeries

Support Surgeries are where students can come to speak to someone in IT, Catering or the Digital Transformation Team (the team who look after Moodle/MyDay) if they are having any issues.

You Said, We Did

You Said, We Did is a way for students to keep up to date with changes across College, based on what they’ve told us. You Said, We Did is updates are frequently shared with the students who raised the issue and updates are regularly posted on Moodle.

Student Governors

The Governing body includes two student members: one for our Further Education students and one for our Higher Education students. The Student Governors represent student views and will consult with other students where appropriate. Meet your Student Governors.