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Barnsley Sixth Form College
Higher Education
ITS Group
Staff Area
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Strategic Plan, Corporate Plan, Sustainability Strategy and Public Value Statement
The 16 to 19 tuition fund 2022 to 2023 academic year
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Make it possible – College Facilities
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Parent and Carer Information
Policies and Procedures
South Yorkshire Institute of Technology (SYIoT)
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14 – 16 Provision at Barnsley College
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Additional Learning Support
Financial Support
My Barnsley College Advantage
Student Travel
Advice and Guidance
Open Days 2024/2025
Mental wellbeing and financial welfare – out of hours support
Careers and Enterprise Hub
Barnsley Sports Academy
Careers Guidance
Equality and Diversity
Exam information
Food and Drink Outlets
Health and Wellbeing
FE Library Services
Reporting Absence
Safeguarding and Prevent
Students’ Union Hub
Adult & Part-time
Advanced Learner Loans
Courses for Adults 19+
Digital courses for adults (FREE study available)
English and Maths qualifications for adults 19+
Free Courses for Jobs
Higher Education
HN Flex: Bitesize university-level study
Online courses
Part-time courses coming soon
Paying for your course
Courses & Subjects
Access to Higher Education
A Levels
Applying for a Higher Education course
Courses for Adults 19+
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Higher Education
Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs)
HN Flex: Bitesize university-level study
How to apply
Online courses
School Leavers
Study online professional qualifications in partnership with e-Careers
T Levels (Technical qualifications)
Art, Fashion And Photography
Animal Management
Business and Management
Catering and Hospitality
Childcare and Teacher Training
Computing, Digital and IT
English and Maths (inc. ESOL)
Foundation Learning
Games Design and Graphic Design
Hair and Beauty
Health, Science and Social Care Professions
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A-Z of all Courses
Higher Apprenticeships
Higher Education Academic Regulations
Barnsley College Library Services
Higher Education Term Dates
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Employers who work with us
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HADO Workshops
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Share your experience of being a Barnsley College student
Want to share your experience of being a student at Barnsley College? Fill in our profile form below!
Contact number:
Student number
Please upload a photo, of yourself:
Max. file size: 5 MB.
This will be used to create your student profile. Please submit a headshot and not a selfie.
Would you like to complete a written or video profile?
Written submission
Video upload
Upload your video here:
Max. file size: 5 MB.
Previous school you attended
What is the level and the title of the course are you currently studying at Barnsley College?
Why did you choose to study at Barnsley College?
What do you most enjoy about your course?
What are your plans once you complete your course?
What is your career goal/job that you are aspiring to achieve?
Would you recommend the College to others?
Great! Tell us why
Oh no, why not?
What advice would you give to those thinking of studying at Barnsley College or Barnsley Sixth Form College?
Do you use the free coach service to get to College?
Tell us how this service helped you. Would you recommend others to use it and why?
Have you accessed any of the support services (Additional Learning Support, Careers and Enterprise Hub, Dyslexia and Disability Service, Health and Wellbeing Centre, Learner Support Fund or Student Services) available at the College?
Tell us how this service(s) helped you. Would you recommend others to use it and why?
What did you use?
Additional Learning Support
Dyslexia and Disability Service
Health and Wellbeing Centre
Job Shop
Learner Support Fund
Student Services
How did it benefit you?
Did you use the College’s catering outlets (Cookie Crumbs Crumbs, Starbucks, The Open Kitchen or Zest café)?
I used:
Cookie Crumbs
The Open Kitchen
Zest café
What do you recommend?
I agree to Barnsley College processing my personal data and consent to the use of the above details and photographs of myself taken by members of the College or by agents authorised on behalf of the College, either separately or together, either wholly or in part in any way in any official publications and publicity materials. This includes prospectuses, leaflets, advertisements, photo archives, profiles, website, social media, digital displays and banners.
I understand that the information I supply will be stored on a computer and accessed by Barnsley College staff.
I understand that is my responsibility to inform the College’s Marketing, Communications and PR Department by emailing if for any reason I wish to withdraw my permission to use my personal data for marketing purposes.
I consent to the College contacting me in future to update my details.
I have read this release form and understand its meanings and implications.
Last updated: 17th February 2023
In this section
Exam information
Excellence Awards
Health and Wellbeing Directory
Open Days 2024/2025
Q&A with Students’ Union Executive Committee President
Safeguarding and Prevent
Are you a Looked After Child (LAC)?
Mental Health
Online Safety
Operation Encompass
Prevent Duty – Working Together to Defeat Terrorism
Report Abuse in Education
Reporting a Safeguarding concern
Safeguarding Incidents
Safeguarding Policy
Student Sustainability Fund
Students’ Union Hub
Race-Related Incident Form
Student Voice in College
Student Voice in the Community
Students’ Union
Students’ Union Executive Committee
Meet the Student Voice Team
Share your experience of being a Barnsley College student
New students – All you need to know
Criminal Convictions Form
Work Placement/Experience for students
Are you a Looked After Child (LAC)
Food and Drink Outlets
Tell us why you love studying with us
Term Dates
Careers Guidance
Student Travel
Reporting Absence
Parent and Carer Information
FE Library Services
Literacy Festival
Meet The Library Team
Reading For Pleasure
Ready Resources
Library Newsletter
Health and Wellbeing
Mental wellbeing and financial welfare – out of hours support
Smoking Cessation
The Haven
IAPT- Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
Contraception and Sexual Health Services
Student Equality and Diversity
Single Equality Scheme
Barnsley College Futurepreneurs
Barnsley College Enterprising Futures (BCEF)