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Student Equality and Diversity

What is Equality?

All equal all different

Equality is often described as treating everyone the same. However, sometimes treating people differently is the best way to treat everyone equally. For example imagine trying to sit a test, and the exam paper is in a language you don’t understand. How well do you think you would do at the test? In order for you to have an equal chance to pass the test, you would need the test paper in a language you understand.

So what is Diversity?

Variety is the spice of life.

Diversity is about recognising, valuing and taking account of people’s different backgrounds, skills, and experiences. Diversity is important because it allows everyone’s skill and contribution to be used and valued. The experiences and skills of different people makes a real difference to the effectiveness of the College and its impact on students, staff and the community as a whole.

Whilst you’re here, why don’t you check out our Student Commission on Racial Justice page and find out about how we are helping to shape decision-making for the better! 

What does the law say?Network for Black and Asian Professionals (nbap) logo. Committed to equality employer

In October 2010 a new piece of legislation called the Equality Act came into force.

This law has replaced, strengthened and added to the existing equality legislation.

The Equality Act outlines a number of duties that the College must adhere to, and also spells out the rights, and responsibilities of the people that form the College community. It also lists 9 protected characteristics, which are listed below:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

The act makes it illegal to treat someone less favourably because their ‘protected characteristic’ It also bans bullying, harassment or victimisation based on their protected characteristic. You can find out more about, bullying, harassment discrimination and victimisation by following the links on this page.

Equality and Diversity Protects Everyone

One of the myths is that Equality and Diversity is about one group of people getting ‘special’ treatment at the expense of someone else. However it’s about everyone getting a fair chance to achieve their full potential. It means treating everyone equally on their merits, and not treating some unfairly because of their difference.

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

At Barnsley College we are working hard to transform lives and to be a College that focuses on ensuring that ALL students have a great time, succeed and go on to great things.

We are actively involved in the economic, social and cultural development of our community through collaborative and innovative partnerships.

We have inclusive and positive values which describe how we behave in the world.

Equality Objectives

  • To ensure that the College’s commitment to EDI is clear and unequivocal in any communications
  • To continue to narrow any gaps in performance by different groups of students
  • To fully embed EDI into the student journey to ensure that students leave the College fully prepared for the world

Barnsley College is a third party signposting centre for hate crime

If you are a victim of hate crime, or have witnessed one and want to report it, then please speak to a member of staff who will support you to report it into a hate crime reporting centre. Your report can be anonymous, and if you wish, passed on to relevant agencies such as the Police. Further details of all the hate crime reporting centres in Barnsley are detailed below:

What is a hate incident or hate crime?
A hate incident is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by the offender’s prejudice or hatred of someone because of their race, transgender identity, sexual orientation, disability and/or faith and religion. A hate incident becomes a hate crime when there is a criminal offence attached to it (such as a physical attack, criminal damage, a threat of attack or verbal abuse and insults).


Last updated: 15th April 2024