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Careers Guidance

Career Advice

At Barnsley College we offer opportunities for every student to learn about their career pathway and develop key employability and career management skills.

Our careers programme includes:

  • Excellent course advice and guidance on entry which ensures that the course they have chosen is right for them and helps them to progress towards their career goals
  • Bespoke pathway-based careers education and information which is delivered in every curriculum area
  • Opportunities to learn about the world of work and labour market information during their course
  • The chance to meet employers and employees, visit workplaces and experience the world of work
  • Impartial information and guidance on progression and taking the next steps in their career journey
  • Bespoke one-to-one guidance for all students who need support with their career planning
  • Opportunities to develop enterprise, employability and entrepreneurial skills
  • Support with applications for university, apprenticeship and job opportunities
  • We continue to support after students have completed their course if needed

If you are seeking to develop yourself through learning or training, but you are not sure which route to take, a guidance interview will enable you to discuss options and opportunities available. There is also advice on progression onto Higher Education and guidance through the UCAS application process.

The service we offer is confidential, impartial, free and available to existing, prospective and former Barnsley College students. To book your one to one appointment please contact the Careers Team on 01226 216 732 or email:

If you need careers advice please visit the Careers and Enterprise Hub.

Careers Leader

The Careers Leader is responsible and accountable for the delivery of career advice and guidance.
You can contact Hayley Allsop to find out more by calling 01226 216 216.


Career Coach

Career Coach button

Not sure about your future career? Know what you want to do, but don’t know how to get there? Use our online careers tool to find out what your next steps could be.






Last updated: 5th November 2024