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Student in first ever Special Olympics GB hockey squad

Barnsley College student Rob Crosse, member of the Special Olympics 2023 GB hockey squad, wearingbhis Speical Olympics GB top and smiling at the camera.

It’s the first time Special Olympics Great Britain and England Hockey have sent a field hockey squad to the World Games, and our student Rob Crosse has made the team.

Rob, an 18-year-old student in our Learning for Living and Work (LFLW) department, which supports students with additional needs, is one of 7,000 Special Olympics athletes venturing to Berlin for the games which begin on Saturday 17 June.

“My advice is to believe in yourself, and I’ve always believed in myself since a young age.”

Just ten players from England, Scotland and Wales were selected to form the pioneering hockey squad after an open trial day at England Hockey’s national training centre at Bisham Abbey, Berkshire, in October.

Rob said: “When I was about eight or nine, I watched some matches on telly and that’s when I got really interested in hockey and other sport-related things.

“I’ve been playing hockey for a long time now, and what I enjoy most is scoring goals, because I’m a forward. I do feel proud of myself. I always feel proud every time I win.

“My advice is to believe in yourself, and I’ve always believed in myself since a young age.

“I plan to continue playing hockey and who knows what could happen in the next few years, I could maybe be in the Olympics again in the future or I could maybe be on telly next time, who knows. That would be even cooler.”

Rob’s College tutor Matt Wilson added: “We are all extremely proud that Rob is one of our students and we wish him the very best of luck for the games.

“Rob’s positive attitude and self-belief is inspiring and his huge achievement of making this team comes as no surprise to me. Go and show them what you can do Rob.”

Rob Crosse running with the ball during a hockey game, wearing red uniform.

Last updated: 6th June 2023

Originally posted on: 6th June 2023

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