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Sexual Health

We offer lots of Sexual Health services at the Health and Wellbeing Centre. We work closely with Spectrum Community Health to provide a high standard range of sexual health services, support and guidance.

C-card/Condom Service

We support the C-card scheme at Barnsley College. The scheme offers free contraception for those aged between 16-25.

You can sign up for a C-Card at the Health and Wellbeing Centre, this card can be used at the Health and Wellbeing Centre, any sexual health clinic and pharmacy that has the C-card scheme in place to collect free contraception. When signing up for the scheme a trained professional will have a small conversation regarding the safety of using the card and discuss where you can collect free contraception.

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Testing

We offer free postal Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea testing kits. Each kit is delivered in a unmarked envelope with instructions on how to complete the test and how to pack it for free return postage. You can collect a testing kit at the Health and Wellbeing Centre.

Pregnancy Testing

Here at Barnsley College we offer pregnancy testing. If you’ve had unprotected sex in the last five days and are looking for emergency contraception, you can book and appointment either with your local GP or Spectrum Sexual Health Clinic.


Spectrum is a local sexual health clinic located at the Gateway Plaza in Barnsley town centre. You can book an appointment at the clinic for any sexual health queries including emergency contraception and other STI tests.

Sanitary Products

You can collect sanitary products free of charge from the Health and Wellbeing Centre. They are also located in female and accessible toilets across all campuses. Products include reusable pads and moon cups to support our sustainability aims.
What are reusable pads and mooncups?
Why use mooncups
Why use reusable pads