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Primary School Activities

Want to inspire your Key Stage 2 pupils with ideas about their future careers? Barnsley College offers a range of free events for primary schools to help young people understand the educational journey and the types of careers available to them. Below are some events you can book, although we’re happy to discuss a bespoke plan – just contact us for more information. 

You can request more information and book an activity by emailing:

Location: Your School

Our College presentations can be offered to large audiences – such as full year group assemblies – or individual classes, and can be tailored to meet time constraints and particular focusses. For primary schools we can talk about the education journey and what happens after Year 6, encouraging pupils to start thinking about what they enjoy learning about and what the careers of the future may be. A typical presentation will take 15 minutes.

Location: Your School

We can deliver a one-to-two hour workshop, which includes a presentation, activities and games that explore careers and raising aspirations.

Location: Your School

If you are hosting a careers day, we can attend with a Barnsley College stand to offer advice and guidance and to answer any questions.

Location: Barnsley College

Visit the College for a four-hour taster session, which includes a tour of our Old Mill Lane campus, presentation, hands-on lessons and activities. A room will be provided for lunch. The taster can be adapted to suit your needs, and timings are very flexible. 

Topic work support

Are any of your primary classes focusing on a particular topic? We can build this in to the taster day. Previous tasters have involved groups visiting our amazing air cabin as part of their topic on ‘Holidays’, and classes delivering the news and broadcasting on the radio with our Media team.

Location: Your School

Barnsley College offers a number of courses for adult learners, many of which are funded – including free English and Maths. Our advisors can give a presentation followed by a Q+A to help parents and carers get back into education or to retrain for a new career. 

Location: Your School

With Teaching Assistant Apprenticeships, Business qualifications and short courses in Childcare – including Safeguarding – there are opportunities for staff to gain additional qualifications while working. We can discuss these options in more detail. 

Location: Barnsley College and Barnsley College University Centre

Introduce your pupils to University and Higher Education. Starting off the day by visiting our Old Mill Lane campus and exploring Further Education, we will then look at what happens at university and student life. To finish the day your pupils can even have a mini graduation and celebrate their achievements.