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Travel and Tourism

Study programmes in Travel and Tourism

Apprenticeships in Travel and Tourism

We don't currently offer apprenticeships in this subject. Why not take a look at our Apprenticeship Department page to see everything that we do offer?

Reasons to join us at Barnsley College

  1. As part of your course you will take part in study visits where you will have the opportunity to visit a range of UK and international organisations including visitor attractions, travel agents, cities and hotels.

  2. You will also have the opportunity to visit cities such as New York, Krakow and Paris. These exciting visits are designed to help you with your course.

  3. You will study a range of topics related to the industry such as Resort Representatives, Customer Service, Cabin Crew and Events in an educational setting with superb facilities.

  4. A range of guest speakers from the travel industry will be invited to input into your study programme.

  5. All students have access to Additional Learning Support (ALS). Find out how the ALS department supported Connor Rayton.

  6. The Travel and Tourism department is based in our Honeywell Sports campus and Old Mill Lane campus. Visit our Campus page to explore our state-of-the-art facilities and take a 360 tour.

All students have access to:

Did you know?

You will study in our simulated air cabin with industry standard equipment such as oxygen masks, life vests and first aid manikins.

A Travel and Tourism students practicing a safety briefing in the College's mock air cabin.

What next?

See the Travel and Tourism pathways to find out what study programmes we offer.

Studying Travel and Tourism at Barnsley College will enable you to develop skills for a range of careers such as: Travel Agent, Holiday Rep, Flight Attendant, Hotel Manager and Tour Guide Manager.

See what careers are available in the Travel and Tourism sector.