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100% exam pass rate for Animal Care students

We are celebrating extraordinary results from our Level 3 Animal Management (Advanced Technical Diploma) students, with 100% of students passing their exams, compared to the 93% national rate.

The group of ten year 2 students completed their exams in March 2023, with one student gaining a distinction, one securing a merit, and the remaining eight receiving passes.

The exam equates to 40% of their final grades, with the remaining made up of coursework, which was submitted this month with final grades released in August.

Daniel Seston, who has an offer to study BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Conservation at Manchester Metropolitan, said, “I chose the College because it had the course I wanted to study, which would lead me to my dream career of becoming a Zookeeper.

“I am extremely happy that I received a distinction in the exam as it will help secure my place at university. I struggled with writing reports, however with the support of my mother and tutors, I overcame these.”

Sophie Moore, who has an offer to study Marine Biology MSci at Bangor University, added “When I found out I received a merit in the exam I was really pleased because I was worried that I hadn’t done well; it’s revived my confidence as I know I did my best and got the results I’ll need for university – I want a career in marine pathology and travel the world to learn and experience so many opportunities that I’d not even dreamt of before college”.

Tristen Greenwood, Animal Care Course Leader at the College, said: “I am immensely proud every student. These students sat their GCSEs as we were coming out of COVID-19, so the fact they all passed their exams is amazing!

“I am extremely proud of each and every student and I can’t wait to see where they end up in their careers!”

We offer a range of full and part-time vocational courses and apprenticeships in Land-based Industries. For more information, visit our Animal Care or Horticulture pages. Alternatively, contact the Information Team by emailing or calling 01226 216 123.

Last updated: 18th March 2024