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Practicing mindfulness can be a really helpful tool to look after your mental health and wellbeing.
Whilst being in the present can help keep you focused, keeping thoughts in perspective have lots of benefits such as reducing anxiety, stress and worry.

Apps and Websites

Meditation Challenge
Smiling Mind

Bubble Breathing

Breathing is important, we do it each day unconsciously. Focusing on breathing can be slow down our breathing and help us relax. Start off slow and then building up your practice can be a great way of developing your mindfulness skill. A minute of deep, controlled breathing a day can help you manage stress, anxiety and creates a calmer sense of self. Calm have created a Bubble Breathing exercise, why not give it a go?

Gratitude and Self-Care

When winding down and getting ready for bed, think of five things that you have been grateful for during the day.
Keeping aware of your gratitude is a great way at helping to maintain a positive outset. Why not use our Gratitude Journal to help you track your feelings.

Another way you could keep aware of your gratitude is through scrapbooking. Here is a guide to scrapbooking to help you get started.

It is important to keep looking after yourself, why not try our self-care checklist. You can do this weekly to keep track of the care you are giving to yourself. There is also a self-help workbook to work through.

Mindfulness Resources

Why not try a 10 minute mindfulness session, created by Calm.
If you have some time, why not try this 30 minute body scan.
Join us on a virtual mindfulness walk. This was filmed following COVID-19 guidelines at Longshaw Estate, Padley Gorge.
The little book of Mindfulness
Mindful colouring book

Meditation Sessions

Take some time to look at self-love with this 10 minute Headspace session.

Take a look at this 15 minute guided meditation session to help find peace in uncertain times.

Learn more about meditation with the Netflix series: Headspace Guide to Meditation.

Try a new 10 minute guided meditation session, fill your day full of gratitude and relaxation through meditation techniques.

Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Why not try this 10 minute meditation session designed to reduce stress.

Why don’t you try a visualisation meditation? These are usually a little longer as you delve deeper into a calm state of consciousness. Try this Magical Forest meditation.

Want to try meditation and mindful breathing? We can offer 1-to-1 sessions with a member of staff to learn about different mediating styles.  These sessions will be held in The Sanctuary. If you have any questions please email hwbc@barnsley.ac.uk.

How to start meditating - post describing the main points of meditation


Write down your thoughts and feelings to create a journal.  It is a good way to help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health. As well as journaling, why not try scrapbooking?

The Sanctuary

If you’re feeling anxious, stressed, like you need to take time out, visit The Sanctuary in the Health and Wellbeing Centre, Old Mill Lane Campus. The Sanctuary is a safe space with sensory aids such as fidget toys, stress balls and weighted neck wraps to help you relax and recuperate.

The Sanctuary in Old Mill Lane campus

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