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How to make an application for financial support

What household income evidence we require


Do you or your Parent/Guardian/Partner claim Universal Credits?

We will require three of the most recent universal credit monthly payments that show a breakdown of the following information.

– Name and address
– Payment for that month (Blue Background)
– Standard allowance
– Child allowance if any
– Take home pay if any
– Financial calculations

A PDF can be downloaded via the universal credits log on screen or three screenshots per month can be provided. You can also visit this link to show what information we require.

Visit this youtube link to help understand what we require –  Universal Credit Explained (2023) – How to print your UC statement (

Are you recognised by your local authority as in care, a Looked after child or leaving care?

Please submit a letter from your local authority/social worker confirming your status.

Do you or your Parent/Guardian/Partner claim Income Support, Employment Support Allowance, Job Seekers allowance? 

If you or your parents/guardians claim any means tested benefits we will require a benefit letter and a supporting bank statement (Dated within 3 months) to confirm this support

Are you currently in an Asylum status in this country?

Please submit your ID (ARC) card and a Home Office letter or tenancy agreement.

Are you (aged 19+) or your Parent/Guardian/Partner employed and claiming no benefits?

Please submit three most recent wage slips or a P60 including proof of address.

*Please be aware if you live with 2 Parents, one of which is employed. You must also provide a bank statement for the Parent/Partner unemployed.


*Applications will be processed up to 10 working days after your submission. Please ensure you submit the correct evidence, as you will be asked for further household evidence if you have not submitted the correct documentation, leading to a delay in receiving financial support.



How to make an application

Applications for the 2024/25 academic year are now available!

If you have applied to study with the College in September 2024, you can now make an application online via your Student OnTrack account. When visiting OnTrack, log in using the details used to apply for your course and click ‘Learner Support Fund’ on the left hand side.

*Information in regards to your OnTrack account will be sent to you via email shortly after applying for a course at the college.

OnTrack log in


If you are experiencing difficulties accessing your OnTrack account, please contact your prospective study department for further information or click the following link for useful tips how to use OnTrack.

OnTrack Instructions | Barnsley College


Please use the below link to a video tutorial on how to apply for funding and upload extra evidence to OnTrack:

LSF Application Tutorial.mp4


What happens next?

Step 1 – Submit an application which includes the correct household income evidence

Step 2 – An application becomes recognised on the College system and enters a queue for a staff member to check your details

Step 3 – A household income assessment takes place using your answers and the household income evidence you submit

*Incorrect evidence submitted will be recognised at this stage with an email request for further information sent to you. This will delay your application been completed and will not be completed with the initial 10 working day target.

Step 4 – An award will be made and you will be contacted via email with specific information as to what support you are entitled to.


Students will receive an email with an outcome from 10 working days an application has been made. We recommend all (prospective) Students to apply as soon as applications become available to have a potential chance of their funding been available from the start of their course. 



What can I be entitled to?

Please visit our main funding scheme page and visit the funding scheme that best relates to your circumstances. Common types of support will consist of essential costs towards travel, essential kit materials confirmed by your study department and a contribution towards cashless food credits. We recommend all Students to speak with their departments Tutorial staff for further support as to what you can be specifically entitled to.




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