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Revision Top Tips

To make the most of your revision, here’s our top 10 tips to help you get loads done, feel great about yourself and still have plenty of time to relax:

Tip number Top Tip
number 1 Don’t panic if you’ve not started already! It’s never too late to start revising, but the earlier you start the better. Sometimes the hardest thing is just making a start, so go on, do it now.
Number 2 Plan! Make sure you know which topics you need to revise for each subject – you can find your exam board specifications online to use as a revision list and use our handy revision planner to plot what subjects you need to revise and when you’re going to do it. Download your Revision Planner.
number 3 Be realistic and focused: 45 minutes working followed by 15 minutes rest is a good starting point. Taking regular breaks will help you avoid revision burn-out.
number 4 Make sure you study the hardest subjects first and not at end of day when you are tired.
number 5 Find a quiet place where you won’t be distracted so you can concentrate on the subject you are revising.
number 6 Get creative – Don’t just read notes, you could make flash cards, mind maps or use post it notes – anything that will help you remember key points.
number 7 Test yourself by completing past papers. This will identify areas where your knowledge is strong and the topics you need to concentrate on. Make sure you look at past papers from the same exam board you have studied.
number 8 Reward yourself for a good session of revision! This could be your favourite snack or a trip to the cinema.
number 9 Ask your friends and family for help – You could ask them to test you on a subject you’ve been revising. Also, if you share your revision plan with friends or family then you are more likely to stick to it!
number 10 Think positive and don’t worry – Everyone revises differently, so don’t worry if you’re doing it differently to your friends.

Row of pencils with blocks saying Think Positive

Good luck with your exams from everyone at Barnsley College and Barnsley Sixth Form College!

Last updated: 24th February 2025