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Stanley Race Apprenticeship Bursary

Dr Stanley Race CBE, one of Barnsley’s leading post-war industrialists died at the age of 96, after a life time commitment to Barnsley. Leaving school at 16, he enjoyed a 50 year association with Redfearn Bros Glass, starting as an office boy at the Harborough Hill plant and then helping to establish the present site at Monk Bretton, where he lived. Stanley was made chairman of the company in 1970 and established the world’s first bottle bank and founded major glass recycling operations, making Barnsley a world leader.

The bursary fund has been established to support post-16 work related study in Barnsley and to help young people to develop their potential and careers.

Who can apply?

  • Residents of Barnsley
  • First year apprentices at Barnsley College
  • Students that live in a low household income

What funding is available?

  • A contribution towards professional tools or equipment
  • Support towards work clothing or uniforms, including formal interview wear
  • Essential books and study equipment
  • Short term travel expenses




How to apply?

If you wish to make an application please visit Student Services in our Old Mill Lane campus or email studentfunding@barnsley.ac.uk.



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Student travel information

Successful applicants will be funded the most cost efficient travel methods. Visit our travel information page to see what concessionary passes are available at this time.


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Frequently Asked Questions

For further questions, please visit our FAQ page. We recommend all Students to submit a full application in the first instance so we can check your details. Please contact us with further information once an assessment has been made with your application.


Last updated: 15th May 2024

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