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Parent and Carer Information for Student Funding

Barnsley College receive funds from the Education Skills Funding Agency whom set clear guidelines as to how monies should be distributed towards Students. We recommend all parent and legal carers understand the awards and limitations to financial support we can provide. Below are some useful tips and informational resources for you to be aware of;


What is the Learner Support Fund?

The Learner Support Fund helps fund Students for essential costs such as travelling to and from College, eating while studying full days and receiving a contribution towards materials costs. Students that live in a low household income or meet the Enhanced Bursary criteria must make an application and provide proof of household income to be entitled to support.


Why do we require proof of household income?

We ask for Students household incomes to ensure we are prioritising financial support to those with financial barriers to studying. It Is mandatory for all Student applications to be accompanied with proof of household income. To see what household income evidence we ask for, please see our ‘Evidence’ page.

*Exception of Students in care/looked after or leaving care.


Concessionary passes available to Students?

We ask all Parents and Carers to ensure their Student has applied for any cheaper fare passes before starting College. Please visit our ‘Student travel’ page for more information.


My Student doesn’t have a bank account, can I use my details?

No. For safeguarding related reasons, we can only accept bank account details in the Students name only. This is to ensure Students are directly receiving financial support they apply for. If Students do not have a bank account, we recommend a full application for financial support can often be awarded in kind instead.

*If you are an appointee for your Student, please provide a document that confirms this and we will be in touch with further information.


How often does my Student receive bank payments?

When submitting an application, a Student will not be guaranteed any support via bank payments. Where possible, awards will be made in-kind. Please ask your Student to refer to their award email for when their payment schedules are. Alternatively please see our travel half termly calendar if your Student is in receipt of payments.


I support a Student through a local authority schemes

For Students that are recognised by the local authority as looked after, in care or leaving care, an Enhanced bursary can be claimed through Government. Students are required to apply for the Learner Support Fund in the same way as any other Student. A letter from the local authority confirming their status will be required instead of household income to which we will allocate funds as we would award to other Students.


How will my Student be aware of what they have been awarded?

Students will be contacted via email once they are eligible for financial support. An award email should state everything the Student is entitled to and when.