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Adult Students aged 19+ studying in full or part-time studies

Learner Support Fund

*Applications for Students studying in September 2024 are available now. Visit our how to apply page below for more information. 

Students aged 19+ studying on a full or part-time course could be entitled to financial support towards their free college meals, travel to and from College classes and the core essential materials requires to study on a course.

*This fund is available for Students enrolled to a course that is not full-fee payable and not using an Advanced Learner Loan.


To be entitled to support, Students must make an application for financial support via the Learner Support Fund. Support available is based on a household income threshold as below.

Threshold Entitlement
Household Income below £40,000


Travel Costs: Students are recommended to apply for any discounted travel passes they are entitled to. Please refer to our student travel page as to what you may be entitled to.
Where possible, a travel pass will be awarded to students once eligible. In cases whereby this cannot be possible, an alternative solution will be arranged with you once your application has been completed.Food Credit Allowance: A contribution towards food credits will be awarded to you via a cashless system onto your student card. The college operate a cross-site initiative of cashless systems for both staff and students. Students will be awarded a daily or weekly allowance.

Click here to see what food outlets the College have available. 

*Part-time Students will not be entitled to this entitlement unless classroom studies are from 9am-3pm.

Study Programme Essentials: Once eligible, you will be automatically awarded with covering costs for materials you require as part of your course. This includes any books, kit or trips your study department have agreed for us to fund.

*Funding for adult students will vary based on the type of course they are studying. Students studying at a Higher Education level will not be entitled to the Learner Support Fund, please refer to our Higher Educational funding page for further information.



   How to apply

Visit our how to apply page for further information of how to apply and what household income evidence you require.


Pen IconTerms and Conditions

View the Guidelines and policy we follow in distributing financial support to Students, Including the terms and conditions of support.


Student Travel IconStudent travel information

Successful applicants will be funded the most cost efficient travel methods and not the most convenient  mode of transport. Visit our travel information page to see what concessionary passes are available at this time.


FAQ IconFrequently Asked Questions

For further questions, please visit our FAQ page. We recommend all Students to submit a full application in the first instance so we can check your details. Please contact us with further information once an assessment has been made with your application.


Three people IconPolicy and Procedures

Details on the College Policy and Procedures for 16-18 financial support funding.


Last updated: 31st May 2024

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