GDPR and apprenticeship event

About the event

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Businesses across the region are invited to attend a free breakfast networking event to hear about GDPR essentials and apprenticeship opportunities.

Attendees will hear from Mark Ellis, Business Development Manager at Open Network Services (ONS), who will talk about how businesses will need to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how it could affect your business.

Suzan McGladdery, Director of Business Development at Barnsley College will also provide an apprenticeship update. This will include information about funding reforms, new apprenticeship standards and how employers can benefit from recruiting an apprentice or up-skilling their existing workforce through an apprenticeship.

Daniel Stanbra, Assistant Principal for 14-19 Students, will also provide a talk on work experience opportunities and how the College is seeking local businesses who are able to offer a work experience opportunity to its students.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to have a tour of the College’s facilities and network with other businesses.

Suzan said: “GDPR comes into force on Friday 25 May 2018. Businesses face many challenges in preparing for GDPR and it’s important to understand the necessary steps needed to move towards compliance.

“Events like these are really important so all businesses, whether new to the area or established, can find out what support the College can offer in recruiting or training an apprentice or developing their existing workforce. We look forward to welcoming lots of local businesses to enjoy breakfast and hear about GDPR, whilst picking up training and support tips.”

Places are limited, so businesses are being encouraged to book via Eventbrite. Alternatively, employers can reserve a place by contacting the Marketing Team by calling 01226 216 833 or emailing


Barnsley College, Church Street, Barnsley, S70 2YW

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