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Digital and Creative T Level Information Evening

About the event

Join us on Tuesday 18 June to find out more about Digital and Creative T Levels at Barnsley College.

  • Speak to teaching staff about specific course information.
  • Find out financial information from Student Services.
  • Attend presentations at 6.00pm or 6.30pm in the Drama Studio at Old Mill Lane to hear information about: What is a T Level and how it compares to other exam boards, industry placements, structure and content, foundation year option and future progression.

Date: Tuesday 18 June 2024
Time: 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Location: Atrium, Old Mill Lane campus, Church Street, Barnsley S70 2AX

To book on to one of the presentations at 6pm or 6.30pm please complete the form below.

Session times(Required)


Atrium, Old Mill Lane campus

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