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14 – 16 Provision at Barnsley College

student smiling with hat and hi-vis jacket on

Pathways for young people aged 14 – 16

In addition to our post-16 provision we offer bespoke provision for small groups of 14-16 students who benefit from accessing vocational provision at the college through our Skills Academy, as well as our full-time Direct Entry provision

We have three pathways available for young people aged 14 – 16 to study with us:

  • Elective Home Educated students (EHE)
  • Skills Academy
  • Direct Entry

Elective Home Educated students (EHE)

We have a small number of places for established home educated students who are on the Barnsley local authority EHE register and are old enough to be in the school years 10 or 11.

This provision is part-time and provides tutoring to compliment the Maths and English taught at home, plus a tutorial (RSE) programme.

Parents or carers can apply for a place on this provision by completing the online Application Form.

Please be aware that places are limited and Barnsley College cannot guarantee access to the EHE provision. All applications are subject to interview and appropriate checks, including the duty to check that young people accessing the provision are receiving an effecting education at home. This provision is not intended to replace schooling and Barnsley College strongly recommends that young people in years 10 and 11 remain in school.

student holding hairdryer near another persons head with brush.

Skills Academy

In collaboration with local schools, we offer students in Years 10 and 11 the opportunity to study a vocational qualification course in a College environment alongside completing their GCSEs at school.

Vocational areas offered include:

Applications for the Skills Academy are made by the school, in agreement with the student and their parents/carers.

Direct Entry

The department aims to work in conjunction with Barnsley secondary schools and the local authority to provide provision for students who need a more vocational aspect to their studies.

Students join the cohort at the start of year ten and continue to study the statutory core subjects, English, maths and Science at GCSE level, alongside at least one course in a vocational area.

Throughout their time at Direct Entry students will have the opportunity to experience the wider college through various personal development opportunities across a variety of the college campuses.

Students will have the opportunity to engage with the world of work in year 10 through completing a fixed period work placement.

Students continue to build on their positive relationships and experiences through studying post 16 within Barnsley College.

Applications are made by the parent/carer in conjunction with the current school or Local Authority (the Council). Applications cannot be made directly to Barnsley College.

Once an application is made the young person will be invited to attend an interview and a taster day to see if they are suitable for the programme.

Direct entry students come to College in much the same way as they would attend school, Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 3.00pm. All students have a timetable of classes which includes:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Personal, Social and Health Education
  • PE

In addition to these subjects Direct Entry students choose a vocational option to study. These are:

  • Animal Care
  • Catering
  • Multi-trade Construction
  • Hair and Beauty
  • Motor Vehicle

Direct Entry Student Policies

Please find below the policies that have been approved for our Direct Entry students.

14-16 Admissions Policy January 2022 to January 2023

14-16 Attendance Policy April 2022 to April 2023

14-16 Direct Entry Behaviour Support and Disciplinary Policy

14-16 Direct Entry Uniform and Dress Code Policy

Student Profile

student with certificate

Direct Entry student, Jake Bowen was awarded as the winner of the 14-16 Student of the Year Award at our 2023 Barnsley College Excellence Awards.

Nominator Dafydd Cherry, Headteacher of the 14-16 Provision, said: “Jake has been recognised for the positive changes he has made, turning his educational path around after encountering issues in school. His behaviour at College is exemplary, setting a high standard for other students to follow.

“Jake works extremely hard, his level of work in English has been consistently high and he constantly asks for written and verbal feedback in order to improve. He is highly regarded by all staff and has been described as fantastic to teach.”

Last updated: 16th January 2025