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Business and Management

Business: School Business Professional Level 4 Apprenticeship

In Brief

Start Date / Duration

This apprenticeship programme can be started at any time. This apprenticeship is anticipated to run for approximately 18 months.

Entry requirements

Entry requirements for the course:

  • There are no specific entry requirement qualifications related to the School Business Professional, however a level 3 qualification in Business or Business Administration would be an advantage
  • 5 GCSEs grade C/4 or above, including Mathematics and English
  • You will need to find an employer to employ you as an apprentice. Please see our Apprenticeship vacancies: https://www.barnsley.ac.uk/our-departments/apprenticeships/apprenticeship-vacancies/


You will achieve

School Business Professional Apprenticeship Level 4

Course overview

School Business Professionals (SBPs) perform a role which is unique to schools, administering and managing the financial, site and support services within the school context. They provide essential support to school leadership teams, implementing their financial and business decisions. This level 4 apprenticeship standard is suitable for upskilling existing staff or progressing level 3 business Admin apprentices.

It relates to various roles including a School Business Manager, HR Manager, Finance Manager, Office Manager, School Administrator, Business Support Officer, Bursar, etc.

Course content

Knowledge What is required for occupational competence
Finance Understands the range of educational funding streams available which are applicable to their educational setting. Has a working knowledge of accounting practices and understands how to apply business principles to the optimum use of funding to support learning outcomes. Understands school compliance issues. Recognises business efficiency and knows the range of data required to inform school business decisions.
Procurement Knowledge of school procurement regulations and requirements and how to achieve value for money, including collaborative procurement.

Understands how to manage collaborative processes with other schools in order to share good practice and secure financial efficiencies. Has an awareness of the complexities of procurement law.

Human Resources Understands the complexities of teaching and support staff contracts, terms & conditions of employment and payroll. Understands educational HR policies, safer recruitment, and compliance with safeguarding priorities and equality legislation. Has an awareness of when to seek legal advice.
Managing Support Services Knows the impact of educational policies at an operational level in order to support the school development plan. Understands the influence of educational regulatory bodies (DfE, Ofsted, etc). Is aware of Ofsted requirements and the implications these have for the workforce and planning in a school. Knows how to manage the DfE pupil and workforce census and their impact on the school.
Governance and Risk Has practical knowledge of the supporting documentation governors need. Understands the process of risk management and procures and manages insurance cover for the school to mitigate risks as appropriate. Has relevant knowledge enabling compliance with charitable status and education law. Understands the impact of, and how to implement, safeguarding policy in a school environment.
Marketing Understands how marketing can be used to underpin school funding. Knows the marketing priorities of their school and the impact marketing activities can have. Understands marketing activities to promote their school and takes into account e-safety when doing so.
Infrastructure Awareness of the optimum deployment of resources targeted to raise pupil attainment. Understands the significance of physical facilities and digital processes in an educational setting, e.g. facilities repair logs, student data analysis, data security and safe use of social media. Has knowledge of relevant legislation that schools must comply with, such as Health & Safety, Freedom of Information, Employment and Data Protection policies.
Ethical Standards Understands and demonstrates the highest standards of personal and professional conduct, and applies statutory regulations and provisions.
Skills What is required for occupational competence
Financial and Operational Management Manages strategies set by senior personnel and drafts budgets that reflect them. Manages the accurate recording and reporting of the school’s finances to inform the senior leadership team who set the priorities for school spending. Completes pre-audit checks. Produces reports that present information and data using a range of analytical processes.
Skills What is required for occupational competence
Project Management Plans, organises and manages processes to ensure value for money for the school whilst supporting education delivery, e.g. contract management, payroll, building maintenance and small development projects. Uses multiple IT packages and specialised schools MIS (management information systems) platforms. Prepares and collates reporting data.
Change Management Embraces change in a school and influence others in a positive manner.

Works constructively within a team environment.

Communicati on and Relationship Building Communicates appropriately and effectively with a range of stakeholders including students, parents, governors/trustees, staff, government and local government departments, e.g. DfE/ ESFA, to gain positive outcomes. Has the confidence to question or seek clarification of aspects of school practice when unsure or unclear.
Strategic Management Manages support services across an entire school whilst also providing guidance to colleagues on the most appropriate use of school funding. Effectively line manages small teams to drive efficiencies.
Behaviours What is required for occupational competence
Change Catalyst Keeps up to date with educational policies and embraces change. Self- motivated and supportive of others in working through change.
Decision Maker Demonstrates a confident approach to decision-making and prioritisation, thus gaining the confidence of others.


Open, approachable and is able to build trust with others. Consults and seeks the views of others and values diversity.
Collaborative Behaves in a collaborative way with other internal and external stakeholders. Promotes a team spirit and actively demonstrates professional competence in all settings and situations.
Resilient Has the ability to adapt to different, changing and challenging situations whilst promoting the highest professional standards.
Challenger Is willing to ask difficult questions whilst demonstrating an ethical, fair and consistent approach. Offers a business perspective and supports discussion and debate with professional knowledge and evidence.

Professional body alignment: Candidates will be eligible to become a Full Member of the Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL – formerly National Association of School Business Management) upon successful completion of the apprenticeship.

Click here for further information regarding the Standard Apprenticeship.

The Apprenticeship Standards require candidates to complete a presentation and professional discussion supported by a portfolio of evidence. Your assessor and employer will help you prepare for this.

All equipment will be provided

You will study within the workplace and attend classes if required at Barnsley College’s Old Mill Lane Campus, Church Street, Barnsley, S70 2AX

Successful apprentices will be eligible for progression to Associate Member of the APM upon completion. Full membership can be attained through further experience and professional development.

How much does the course cost?

There is no cost to being an apprentice. All costs associated with your apprenticeship, including the cost of training and your salary, will be paid by your employer.

Extra information

For further information please contact the team on 01226 216166 or email: apprenticeships@barnsley.ac.uk



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Business: School Business Professional Level 4 Apprenticeship

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