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Art, Design and Fashion

Art, Design and Communication (Graphic Design pathway) Level 3 Diploma/Extended Diploma Full-time

In Brief

Start Date / Duration

This course commences in September and runs for two years.

Entry requirements

You will need five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including English and Maths.

You will achieve

Level 3 Diploma/Extended Diploma Creative Practice: Art, Design and Communication (Graphic Design pathway)

Course overview

Design is everywhere, from packaging in your cupboards to poster advertisements you pass in the street. By studying this course, you will learn how to creatively problem-solve briefs to enable you to produce professional and stylised designs.

Course content

Learning key design fundamentals will enable you to produce work in a variety of areas such as logos, branding, packaging, typography, time-based design, screen printing, t-shirt/garment design, GIFs and wall murals.

The Diploma course units are:
• The creative process
• Developing creative practice in 2D, 3D and 4D
• Responding to a set brief

The Extended Diploma units are:
• Research a specialist industry practice
• Specialist technical skills development
• Specialist creative outcome

Your work will be assessed throughout the course, both internally and by an external moderator. At the end of each studio module you will present a folder of work for discussion and grading.

The final major project is exhibited as part of the Arts Festival in June/July which is open to the public. In order to gain a full Extended Diploma you must pass all the course units.

You will require a basic personal and portable kit of materials and equipment. Your tutor will advise you on the best drawing, painting and technical equipment and, eventually, the portfolio you will need.

Employment – This course can form the foundations for a range of creative occupations including Graphic Designer, Artist, Entrepreneur, Fashion Designer, Photographer and other related roles.

Education – You could progress to university, studying a variety of graphic design, art, design, fashion and crafts disciplines or other higher level qualifications such as a Higher National Diploma (HND).

See what careers are available in the Art Graphics and Fashion sector. Use our online careers tool, Career Coach, to find out what your next steps could be.

How much does the course cost?

16 – 18 year olds

Full-time Barnsley College students aged 16-18 years old do not have to pay tuition fees.

Extra information

For further information please contact our friendly Information Team on +44 (0)1226 216 123 or email info@barnsley.ac.uk

Barnsley College has a range of sports opportunities for all students to take part in, gain professional training and compete nationally and internationally. We also have a state-of-the-art fitness village, Honeywell Sports Village where students can make use of our fitness suite, spinning studio and classes for competitive rates. You don’t have to be studying sport to get involved in the Sports Academy.

Our Additional Learning Support team can provide you with the support you need. Please contact them on +44 (0)1226 216 769.

Please note we reserve the right to change details without notice. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Art, Design and Communication (Graphic Design pathway) Level 3 Diploma/Extended Diploma Full-time

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