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Electric/Hybrid Vehicle System Repair and Replacement Level 3 IMI Part-time

In Brief

Start Date / Duration

This course starts in April and will last for three days.

Entry requirements

Appropriate vehicle maintenance and repair knowledge and skills at Level 3.

You will achieve

Either a Level 3 qualification motor vehicle or automotive industry or a Level 2 award in Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Routine Maintenance Activities.

Course overview

This qualification is for those working with electric/hybrid vehicles during maintenance. It provides essential safety knowledge and skills, complementing existing qualifications. The course includes units EV2.2 and EV3, covering safe working practices, information usage, high-energy system repairs, and record-keeping. Completing this qualification equips learners with core knowledge and skills to handle and replace high voltage components in electric/hybrid vehicles.

Course content

The content of this qualification has been designed to give the learners the knowledge and skills required to work safely on Electric/Hybrid vehicles whilst carrying out diagnostic, testing and repair activities. This may include vehicles that may have or had damage to their high energy/electrical system.

It contains two mandatory units EV2.2 and EV3.

EV2.2 covers all of the skills and knowledge from IMI Level 2 Award in Electric/Hybrid Vehicles Routine Maintenance Activities and EV3 covers skills in:

  • Working safely on an electric/hybrid vehicle
  • Using information to carry out the task
  • Carrying out repairs on high energy electrical systems
  • Recording information and making suitable recommendations
  • As a result, learners successfully completing this qualification will acquire significant core knowledge and skills, and the ability to remove and replace Electric/Hybrid vehicle high voltage components.

2 practical assessments
1 external online test
Evidence of knowledge assessment

All equipment will be provided

Automotive Technologies Centre (ATC)
Honeywell Lane
S75 1BP

Level 4 Award in the Diagnosis, Testing and Repair of Electric/Hybrid Vehicles and Components

How much does the course cost?


Extra information

If you are aged 19 or over, you may not have to pay for this course if:

  • You do not already have a level 3 qualification OR
  • You already have a level 3 qualification or higher but earn below the earnings threshold set by your local authority, which includes benefits (see below) OR
  • You already have a level 3 qualification or higher but are unemployed and in receipt of a means-tested benefit, below the earnings threshold set by your local authority (see below).

This course is funded by South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) and/or West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA). You must be living in the South or West Yorkshire regions to qualify for funding.

Earnings Threshold

  • If you live in the qualifying West Yorkshire region and earn below £25,000 a year then you may not have to pay for this course.
  • If you live in the qualifying South Yorkshire region and earn below £30,476 a year then you may not have to pay for this course.

Our Additional Learning Support team can provide you with the support you need. Call 01226 216 769 for further information.

Electric/Hybrid Vehicle System Repair and Replacement Level 3 IMI Part-time

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