Health, Science and Social Care Professions

Counselling Skills Level 2 Part-time Daytime

In Brief

Start Date / Duration

This course is due to start on 6 March . Classes run on Thursdays between 1pm - 5pm. The course will run for 10-12 weeks.

Entry requirements

You must be aged 19 or over.  There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for this qualification, however, you may find it helpful if you have already achieved a Level 1 qualification.  The ability to complete written assignments using an acceptable level of English language is required.

You will achieve

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills.

Course Code


Course overview

This qualification is useful for anyone who would like to develop their use of counselling skills for use in either work or a personal capacity or wish to progress onto a Level 3 Counselling Skills course.

Key topics:

  • Using counselling skills
  • Introduction to counselling skills theories
  • Diversity and ethics in the use of counselling skills
  • Counselling skills and personal development

This qualification does not qualify learners to practice as a counsellor.


Note to applicants: This course requires you to discuss personal experiences and perform self-reflection, which may bring up significant life events. Carefully consider if this course is suitable for you at this time. Students should be ready to seek external help or college counsellors if needed, especially if advised by the tutor.

The Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills is internally assessed. There are no examinations, but there will be an assessment of practical skills through role play scenarios.

You will be given a booklet. Books are available in the Learning Resource Centre.
All you need to bring is a pen and notepaper.

This course is likely to lead on to the level 3 certificate in Counselling.
This qualification does not qualify you to practice as a counsellor; however, it can support progression within employment for the following job roles due to the transferable nature of counselling skills:

  • Support worker (supported living)
  • Healthcare support service worker
  • Clinical healthcare support worker
  • Healthcare assistant
  • Mental health support worker
  • Mental health outreach worker
  • Substance misuse worker
  • Information, advice and guidance worker
  • Health education/Health promotion worker
  • Care assistants/Support workers/Key workers in residential settings
  • Healthcare assistants/Support workers in community and primary care environments
  • Healthcare assistants/Support workers in acute health environments

How much does the course cost?

This course costs £400. This course may be FREE to study depending on your circumstances – please see the drop-down option below for more details.

19+ Students

Aged 19 or over and thinking about Further Education?

You may be eligible for free or reduced course fees . Please refer to our page ‘paying for your course.’

Extra information

Part-time courses are only available for learners who are 19 years old and above. You may not have to pay for this course if you are employed but earn below £23,400 a year, or if you are unemployed and receive Job Seekers Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit. You will need to provide evidence of your eligibility which will be checked at enrolment.

This course is funded by South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) and/or West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA). You must be living in the South or West Yorkshire regions to qualify for funding.

For further information please contact our friendly Information Team on +44 (0)1226 216 123 or email

Our Additional Learning Support team can provide you with the support you need. Call 01226 216 769 for further information.

Please note we reserve the right to change details without notice. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Counselling Skills Level 2 Part-time Daytime

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