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Business and Management

Advice and Guidance NVQ Level 3 (Work-based)

In Brief

Start Date / Duration

The next start date for this course is April 2025. Course start dates are every September, January and April. The course will take 1 year to complete.

Entry requirements

  • No formal entry requirements but you must be working in this environment already to be able to provide the evidence required
  • A job analysis will be carried out with a member of the assessment team before a place on the programme is confirmed

You will achieve

Level 3 Certificate Advice and Guidance (City & Guilds).

Course Code


Course overview

These NVQs are for you if you work in a role where you offer information, advice and guidance (IAG) to others.

The IAG can be offered within any organisation and on any topic, however it is important that you can demonstrate that you have systems and procedures in place to track the IAG given and record the outcomes.

Course content

The course is made up of modules which you will choose to best reflect your responsibilities at work. Each level includes mandatory units – these cover the general skills required to work in this area i.e. communication, planning, development and team work.

You are required to choose optional units from a list of several given. The optional units each reflect a different area of advice and guidance work – some are directed towards the support of the provision, others to group delivery, others to the maintenance of information for the service and others are for people who work with specific client groups i.e. ex-offenders, individuals managing mental health issues, etc.


The course is assessed through the production of reports with supporting evidence, observation of you giving advice and guidance, questioning of your knowledge in this area and testimony from your workplace on your work.

You will need a computer and access to the internet.

You will study in your place of work or online.

You may wish to progress to the next level of the NVQ, move on to customer service or business focused NVQs or take higher qualifications in an area specific to your advice and guidance provision i.e. health care or careers.

See what careers are available in the Business sector. Use our online careers tool, Career Coach, to find out what your next steps could be.

How much does the course cost?

This course costs £724. This course is eligible for the Free Courses for Jobs funding which means you can study this for free if you meet the eligibility criteria. Please see the drop-down option below for more details. If you are not eligible for funding then you may be able to apply for an Advanced Learner Loan to cover the cost of the course.

Extra information

If you are aged 19 or over, you may not have to pay for this course if:

  • You do not already have a level 3 qualification OR
  • You already have a level 3 qualification or higher but earn below the earnings threshold set by your local authority, which includes benefits (see below) OR
  • You already have a level 3 qualification or higher but are unemployed and in receipt of a means-tested benefit, below the earnings threshold set by your local authority (see below).

This course is funded by South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) and/or West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA). You must be living in the South or West Yorkshire regions to qualify for funding.

Earnings Threshold

  • If you live in the qualifying West Yorkshire region and earn below £25,000 a year then you may not have to pay for this course.
  • If you live in the qualifying South Yorkshire region and earn below £30,476 a year then you may not have to pay for this course.

If the course is listed as full fee payable, you will have to pay for the course.

For further information please contact our friendly Information Team on +44 (0)1226 216 123 or email

Our Additional Learning Support team can provide you with the support you need. Call 01226 216 769 for further information.

Please note we reserve the right to change details without notice. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Advice and Guidance NVQ Level 3 (Work-based)

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