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Business and Management

AAT Bookkeeping Level 3 (Part-time)

In Brief

Start Date / Duration

The course will start again in September 2025 and will run on a Thursday 9.30am-12.30pm. The course will run for one year, term time only

Entry requirements

AAT  Certificate in Bookkeeping Level 2 or Accounting Level 2

You will achieve

AAT Certificate in Bookkeeping (Level 3)

Course overview

This qualification develops your existing skills and knowledge to an advanced level, either to gain employment or as a route to Qualified Bookkeeper status (AATQB). It is an ideal qualification to achieve to be able to progress to higher level accounting qualifications.

Students who excel in this qualification will be given the opportunity to do the extra modules to gain the AAT  Certificate in Accounting Level 3 qualification.

The AAT Bookkeeping Level 3 course takes your knowledge to the next level and opens up new job opportunities such as;

  • Accounts Manager
  • Ledger Manager
  • Professional Bookkeeper
  • Senior Bookkeeper


Course content

You will study the following modules:

  • Financial Accounting: Preparing Financial Statements
  • Tax Processes for Businesses

You will be assessed by a computerised based examination after the completion of each unit.

You will need to provide your own calculator, writing materials, and text books.

Students may be given the opportunity to study the level 3 AAT qualification. This course forms an ideal foundation for Employment and further study.

The AAT Bookkeeping Level 3 course takes your knowledge to the next level and opens up new job opportunities such as;

  • Accounts Manager
  • Ledger Manager
  • Professional Bookkeeper
  • Senior Bookkeeper

How much does the course cost?

Course fees: £1265 . You may be eligible for funding – see below. You will also need to register with AAT. Registration fees are  payable directly to AAT and this will give you access to study support resources for the qualifications lifetime . AAT membership fee information can be found via the AAT website:

19+ Students

Aged 19 or over and thinking about Further Education?

You may be eligible for free or reduced course fees . Please refer to our page ‘paying for your course.’

Extra information

This course may be eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan.

For eligibility information and details about how to apply, visit the Advanced Learner Loan page. Or contact our Information Team by calling 01226 216 123 or emailing:

If you are aged 19 or over, you may not have to pay for this course if:

  • You do not already have a level 3 qualification OR
  • You already have a level 3 qualification or higher but earn below the earnings threshold set by your local authority, which includes benefits (see below) OR
  • You already have a level 3 qualification or higher but are unemployed and in receipt of a means-tested benefit, below the earnings threshold set by your local authority (see below).

This course is funded by South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) and/or West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA). You must be living in the South or West Yorkshire regions to qualify for funding.

Earnings Threshold

  • If you live in the qualifying West Yorkshire region and earn below £25,000 a year then you may not have to pay for this course.
  • If you live in the qualifying South Yorkshire region and earn below £30,476 a year then you may not have to pay for this course.

For further information please contact our friendly Information Team on +44 (0)1226 216 123 or email

Our Additional Learning Support team can provide you with the support you need. Call 01226 216 769 for further information.

Please note we reserve the right to change details without notice. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

AAT Bookkeeping Level 3 (Part-time)

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