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Corey claims prestigious Public Services Award

Frank Johnston (L) presents the award to Corey Miller.

Public Services student Corey Miller has been recognised for his achievements at a celebratory award ceremony.

The prestigious Johnston Award, sponsored by former Barnsley College Chair of Governors Frank Johnston, was presented to Corey, a former Level 2 Military Preparation student, who impressed Mr Johnston with his dedication and enthusiasm. Through Corey’s hard work, he has passed his British Army selection and is starting his basic training to be an infantry soldier.

Corey said: “I never in a million years thought I would win anything like this. I came to the College thinking it was a stepping-stone, but not realising how much I would enjoy it and my course. It has been amazing. I’m looking forward to joining the army, the prize money will help to pay for the kit I need.”

Frank Johnston has continued his links with the College by sponsoring the award. Having been brought up in a military family, Frank served in the Merchant Navy, followed by ten years’ service in the Royal Air Force. He also spent 15 years in the Royal Hong Kong Police as an Inspectorate Officer. Since settling in Barnsley, Frank has been committed to the voluntary sector, was Chairman of the Citizens Advice Bureau and served as a governor of the College for ten years.

Frank added: “I wish to publicly congratulate Corey on his award. He is an impressive gentleman whose overall performance makes him a worthy winner. Corey started at a very low base, but he has achieved so much and has been successful in his ambitions to date. I’m very impressed.”

Last updated: 23rd November 2022

Originally posted on: 23rd November 2022

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