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College team raises more than £400 for hospice

Barnsley College Tutorial Team Leader Vicky Kenny handing over College’s donation to Simon Atkinson from Barnsley Hospice

Our Business department raised more than £400 for Barnsley Hospice through fundraisers including a challenge to eat mealworms, crickets and locusts.

The total, £402.81, was raised by staff in the department who also held a raffle with vouchers for local businesses up for grabs amongst other prizes.

“I truly thought I had seen it all until I heard Barnsley College’s Business Department were planning to hold a bug-eating contest.”

Vicky Kenny, a Tutorial Team Leader in the department, who led the collection, said: “It feels great to have raised so much money for Barnsley Hospice. It means so much to me personally following my brother having several stays there.

“We tried to be really creative this year by doing the bug eating challenge and it looks like that’s paid off. I’m sure this money will make a difference and I’d like to thank everyone who donated.”

The total was raised as part of the Hospice’s annual accumulator challenge, where participating teams are challenged to raise as much as possible during May using a loan of just £31. Over the past five years, the challenge has raised almost £70,000 for the hospice.

Simon Atkinson, Corporate Relationships Manager at Barnsley Hospice, added: “Our Accumulator Challenge has been running for over five years now, and I truly thought I had seen it all until I heard Barnsley College’s Business Department were planning to hold a bug-eating contest.

“Thank you to everyone involved in putting together a fantastic month of fundraising and raising a great amount for the hospice.”

The Barnsley College Business teachers who took part in the ‘I’m a Celebrity’ style bug eating challenge - five members of staff


Last updated: 26th June 2023

Originally posted on: 26th June 2023

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