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College Host NHS 75th Anniversary Celebration

We held a 75th Anniversary Celebration event for Barnsley Hospital to celebrate the milestone.

“We’re really honoured to have been selected to be the venue for this celebration. We were proud to be involved with the Hospital to help them kick off the 75th anniversary celebrations.”

Approximately 50 people were in attendance at our Open Kitchen to mark 75 years of NHS service, with our Senior Leadership Team, including, Yiannis Koursis OBE, Principal and Chief Executive and David Akeroyd, Deputy Principal, Development and Productivity.

In attendance from the NHS was Dr Richard Jenkins, Chief Executive of Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust and Jane Mills, Charity Development Manager at Barnsley Hospital Charity. Both gave speeches, as week as long-standing volunteers, long service award winners and current staff about who spoke about the importance of the NHS.

five people stood in front of a blue and white balloon arch

Entertainment at the event was provided by our Music and Preforming Arts department. Ellie Ward, Level 3 Music student, played the piano while guests ate their meals, followed by a series of mini performances from Performing Arts students at our Electric Theatre, which included excerpts of Moulin Rouge and Peter Pan Goes Wrong.

David Akeroyd, Deputy Principal, Development and Productivity at Barnsley College, said: “I can’t imagine a world without the NHS. Hopefully, in another 75 years, staff will be celebrating the 150-year anniversary.

“At Barnsley College we’re really honoured to have been selected to be the venue for this celebration. We were proud to be involved with the Hospital to help them kick off the 75th anniversary celebrations.

“Our relationship is all about collaboration, both of our organisations are anchor institutions in Barnsley. The Hospital and the college will be here long after all of us have ceased being the custodians of what we do. It’s really important for us as a group of individuals to work together for the benefit of Barnsley and our communities.

“I believe it’s important across our organisations that healthy lives and lifestyles are developed through education. So, it is a perfect partnership that we have with the Hospital, and it can only become stronger.”

Jane Mills, Barnsley Hospital Charity Development Manager, added: “Thank you to Barnsley College for all the hard work and efforts that staff and students put into making our celebratory afternoon tea a huge success.

“We have had so many positive comments about the event and the incredible talents of the students; attendees were literally blown away and genuinely felt very special and privileged to attend.”

Last updated: 5th July 2023

Originally posted on: 5th July 2023

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