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Apprentice star recognised for outstanding accountability

Photograph - Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust’s Chief Executive Officer, Professor Phil Wood and College apprentice Laura Gambles.

Barnsley College apprentice, Laura Gambles, is celebrating being runner up in the Accountable category at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust’s annual apprenticeship awards.

Laura, who is currently pursuing a Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor Apprenticeship has consistently demonstrated a high level of responsibility and dedication. Her ability to take ownership of tasks, deliver quality work, and support the Organisational Development and Culture team has set her apart as a standout apprentice.

“I would recommend an apprenticeship; I have loved learning new things, having been given the opportunities, I would not necessarily normally have access to. It has been great spending time with students who are like-minded and want to learn also. Thank you, Barnsley College and my tutors.”

Finishing her apprenticeship with three months to go, Laura was recognised for her commitment, not only to her apprenticeship but also to the Trust, demonstrating the Leeds Way value and behaviours including fair, accountable, collaborative and empowered.

Trust Chief Executive Officer, Professor Phil Wood was on hand to hand out the certificates and congratulate all apprentices who’d earned and learned their way to success.

Laura said: “I feel proud to have been recognised for all my hard work and dedication to Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, during my apprenticeship. I feel valued and it provides me with a sense of accomplishment.

“I would recommend an apprenticeship; I have loved learning new things, having been given the opportunities I would not necessarily or normally have access to. It has been great spending time with students who are like-minded and want to learn also. Thank you, Barnsley College and my tutors.”

Frances Lohan, Apprenticeships Senior Trainer at Barnsley College, added: “Laura has shown incredible dedication and commitment throughout her Level 3 Team Leader Apprenticeship, always working ahead of targets and producing high-quality work.

“Along the way, she’s made a real impact on her team at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, helping to improve processes and build a more collaborative environment. Laura’s achievement is truly inspiring, and she should be really proud of everything she’s accomplished.”

Last updated: 10th March 2025

Originally posted on: 10th March 2025