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Privacy Policy

Privacy notice

This notice describes how Barnsley College obtains, stores and shares the personal data of key college stakeholders.

General principles

Barnsley College values an individual right to privacy and actively seeks to protect their data.

We will only collect and use personal data for the purposes we tell you about.

Barnsley College is the Data Controller for the personal data we collect and hold.

The College Data Protection Officer is Jason Barnard, Director of MIS ( All requests to your personal data should be directed to the Data Protection Officer.

You have the right to:

  • Object to the processing of personal data that is likely to cause or is causing damage or distress.
  • Prevent processing for the purpose of direct marketing.
  • Object to decisions being taken by automatic means.
  • In certain circumstances have incorrect personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed.
  • Claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of the General Data Protection Regulations.

We have a Data Protection Policy you are welcome to peruse.

We do not sell or rent your information for profit. We do not use any automated process to make decisions. We do not store data outside the EU.

Requesting access to your personal data

You have the right to request access to the information we hold about you. To make a request for your personal information, please contact:

Jason Barnard
Director of MIS
Barnsley College
PO BOX 266
Church Street
S70 2YW
This privacy notice is in four sections:

  • Learners
  • Employees
  • Governors
  • Other College Users

Section 1 Learners


When you enquire or apply for a course we will collect the following information:

  • Details about you including name, date of birth, National Insurance number and gender.
  • Contact details including address, telephone number and email.
  • Details of previous qualifications, employment and education.
  • Information about your nationality, residency and previous address.
  • Information about medical or health conditions, including a learning difficulty or disability.
  • Ethnicity.

If you do not enrol on a course with us, your details will be removed after 2 years, to ensure we have adequate information to deal with complaints and enquiries. This will also allow us to advise you of any new provision you may be interested in.


At enrolment we will collect the following additional information. In some cases we will collect application and enrolment data at the same time:

  • Start and end dates of any course you are following.
  • Employment status.
  • Household information.
  • Financial details if you are paying a fee
  • Employer details if you are an apprentice or your employer is sponsoring you for the course

Most of the information collected at application or enrolment is required by us to deliver your course and prove you are studying with us. We use this information to create an Individual Learning Record (ILR) and create or update a Personal Learning Record (PLR). We are required to do this by our funding body the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) under the terms of the Apprenticeships, Skills Children and Learning Act 2009.

You do not have to give information about next of kin, although if you do not we won’t be able to contact anyone in the event of an emergency.

We share information with the ESFA, Department for Education, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council and other local authorities

During your college stay

We will record information about attendance, progress and achievement together with any work experience and placements you have undertaken.

During your stay in college your data will be shared with other members of staff. We will use your personal data to help you with any issues arising from your programme of study

Where we use external agencies to process data on our behalf, we require them to use a written agreement which guarantees confidentiality.

A list of these organisations and the reasons we share data can be requested from us.

We also collect details about your sexuality, religion and any gender change. We do this to ensure everyone has the same chance to succeed.

We will keep your course attendance and other reference information for 5 years after you complete your course and leave college.

We will keep your personal details, qualifications, student ID number and outcomes indefinitely. This will allow us to confirm your attendance and achievement at college.


We may wish to use images of you in college for publicity and other marketing materials. We will obtain and record your consent on every occasion we do this. You are free to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the Marketing, Communications and PR Department by email or telephone: 01226 216 833.

Your images will be kept for 2 years and then deleted.

Full details regarding how long we keep information is contained within the college Data Protection Policy.

Section 2 Employees

We hold the following data on staff and those who apply for roles at the college:

  • Personal data such as name, address, National Insurance number, employee number, teacher number, phone number, next of kin and email address.
  • Special categories such as gender, age, disability, sexuality and ethnic group.
  • Contract information such as start date of employment, end date of employment, hours worked, post, roles and salary information.
  • Qualifications.
  • Previous employment.
  • References.

Before making an offer of employment we will share information with the Government’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) so that they can check whether you have any previous convictions which would make you unsuitable for working with children and young people.

During your record of employment we will also keep:

  • Work absence information such as number of days absent and reason.
  • Details of any professional development undertaken.
  • Disciplinary record

We use this information to:

  • Enable you to be paid and the correct amount of deductions to be made.
  • Inform the development of recruitment and retention policies.
  • Obtain details on criminal convictions from the Disclosure and Barring Service.
  • Ensure the continued sustainability for your post

The lawful basis for collecting this information is derived from Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulations, to allow us to meet contractual obligations and Article 9, allowing us to hold and process health data. There is also a legal basis under employment law.

If you apply for a post and are unsuccessful we will hold your information for 6 months after the closing date. This is to allow us to deal with any complaints or challenges.

If you are employed by the college we will delete certain details of your employment record 5 years after you leave college employment. This is to allow us to provide references to future employers.

We will hold details of name, National Insurance number, start date of employment, end date of employment, role, and salary indefinitely to allow us to answer any tax or pension queries. Any health and safety related detail is kept for 40 years. This is a statutory requirement

A fuller list of information retention periods is available from the Data Retention Policy, available on Buzz

Sharing of data

Your personal data will be shared with itrent who host the college’s HR database. A Data Sharing Agreement is in place.

Section 3 Governors

We will collect the following information from you, which we need in order to carry out governance functions


All College Corporation Governors and Directors of the college’s subsidiaries

Your address, personal email address, home and mobile phone numbers. This is so that we can contact you regarding meetings and other relevant events. This information will be held securely and not shared with anyone else or made public. However, other Governors or Directors will be able to see your email address when group emails are sent.


Disclosure and Barring Scheme (DBS)

  • Your name, current and previous addresses and date of birth. We will share this information with the Government’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) so that they can check whether you have any previous convictions which would make you unsuitable for working with children and young people.


Register of Interests

  • Your current employment; appointments (voluntary or otherwise); membership of professional bodies, groups or organisations; companies in which you hold more than 1% of the share capital; gifts in excess of £25 or hospitality in excess of £50 accepted in the last 12 months; any other interests not covered by the above.


We collect this information so that we can identify possible conflicts of interest, i.e. situations where your interests may (or may appear to) influence your decision making.

For College Corporation Governors, this information will not be shared but will be made available to the public on request.


  • Images of you (photos or videos) may be used in publicity material, such as adverts, information leaflets, newsletters, press releases or on the internet (websites), to raise awareness of the services provided by Barnsley College. These images will be stored in a database and may be used for publication (as described above) and will be viewed by the public. These will be deleted 1 year after your term of office expires or when you leave the board

Barnsley College Governors and Directors of the college’s subsidiaries

    • Your name, title, home address, contact telephone number, occupation, date of birth and date of appointment are required for the Statutory Registers for Governors and Directors. This information will be held securely and not made public
    • Your full name (including title), the body which appointed you, the date of your appointment, the date on which your term of office ends or ended if in the last year, whether you are a Governor or a Director of a subsidiary. This information will be shared with the Department for Education (DfE) and publically available on Edubase to enable the DfE to increase transparency and more quickly and easily identify individuals who have a role in governance.
  • Your postcode, date of birth, previous names and nationality. This information will be shared with the DfE for Edubase but not published by them. It will be encrypted within the system and access will be restricted to a small number of users who need it to fulfil their official responsibilities.

Directors only

Your name, title, role, date of appointment, your nationality, your date of birth, the number of appointments you hold, your address (which will be the company’s registered office address, i.e. Barnsley College, not your home address) and your country of residence. This information will be shared with Companies House for the Company Register and published on the Companies House website. (Company numbers: BCDC 06994842 and Think Barnsley Limited: 8153046).

The Chair of Barnsley College Board only

Your direct email address. This will be made available to the DfE, ESFA and AoC on request where they need direct contact with the Chair. The email address will also be used to send Chairs information that national performance data suggests the Board needs to address.

The Retention Schedule for governance data specifies the maximum period data should be kept for business purposes and is available from the Clerk on request.

Legal framework

Barnsley College is the Data Controller as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998 for the College Corporation.

If you require further information, please contact:

  • Jason Barnard, Director of MIS at


People who use our commercial outlets

If you are a customer of any college commercial outlets the information you provide will enable us to deliver that service and will only be held whilst we deliver that service.

Visitors to our website

When you visit we collect standard internet log information and visitor details. We do this to find out the number of visitors to different parts of the site. You cannot be identified from the information we collect.

We use cookies to store your preferences in order to present content and options that are specific to your needs and preference. Our cookie policy is at

Appendix A External Organisations we share learner data with 2018/19


Organisation Reason


All Together


To allow the college to allocate work experience placements.





To record progress towards achieving your apprenticeship.



CE Promo


To help the college with its responsibilities to keep you safe.




To conduct and analyse student surveys.




Ipsos Mori


To allow the Office for Students to conduct the National Student Satisfaction Survey for Higher Education.





To allow the Office for Students to conduct graduate destination surveys.





To enable the college to carry out literacy and numeracy initial assessments.



Think alumni


The college conducts destination surveys on former students.





To allow student service staff to log dealings with learners.





To allow the college to measure progress against an agreed target.



Student Loan Company


To allow you to access loans to pay course fee if both you and the course are eligible.


Last updated: 5th June 2023